Greater Whitsunday Grant Finder

The Greater Whitsunday Grant Finder will help businesses in the Whitsundays be able to register for free to find grants and funding across all levels of government and non government philanthropic and commercial sponsorships all in the one place.

The Grant and Funding Service is supported by the Local Buying Foundation to strengthen the region through capability, grants and financial investment. The more successful Greater Whitsunday businesses and community groups are in accessing grants, the greater the economic and social outcomes for our region.

GW3 offers a grant support service which can help you navigate the Grant Finder services

Go to Grants and Funding Service

or you can access it directly here

Go to Grant Guru

For Greater Careers Video Series

The Greater Whitsunday region is a place for Greater Careers. Our region is embracing new thinking and change, where businesses, workforces and industries are dynamic and future focused. GW3 have created a series of videos across several industries including Mining, Agriculture, Tourism and Health in the Greater Whitsunday region. These videos share the stories of industry leaders and how our region can navigate the changing landscape of careers now and in the future.

Greater Whitsunday region is one of the world’s most diverse economic regions.

We’re home to a broad and growing list of established and emerging industries that contribute more than $46.7 billion in economic value to the Australian economy. The sole purpose of Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) is to capitalise on the region’s economic potential. For greater, GW3 works closely with government and the private sector to create and develop new growth opportunities across multiple sectors. From traditional wealth powerhouses such as mining, agriculture and tourism to exciting emerging industries including aerospace, aquaculture and bioproducts, we’re motivated to secure investment in vital infrastructure and job-creating, future focused projects to build the bottom line for not just our region, but Queensland and Australia.